30 Mind Maps for Psychology Students
This ebook is an attempt to cover the random topics in psychology, faced by psychology students from day one, capturing and presenting the facts in a clear manner that is even sufficient until their f
8 Petua Mudah Berjaya Berhenti Merokok
“8 Petua Mudah Berjaya Berhenti Merokok” adalah buku panduan yang berkesan dan berdaya tahan, yang dirancang khusus untuk membantu anda melepaskan diri dari belenggu merokok. Buku ini menawarkan pandu
Follow Up With LOVE
“Follow Up With L.O.V.E.” is a comprehensive guide to leveraging the concept of "following up with love" in business and technology consultancy. It explains what following up with love means and why i
Coffee Can Bring Us Fortune
"Coffee Can Bring Us Fortune" is an insightful and practical guide that shows how coffee meetings can be leveraged for networking, exchanging ideas, and seeking advice, especially in the context of bu
In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of technology consulting, it can be easy to become consumed with deadlines, projects, and deliverables. But have you ever stopped to consider how your attitud
Cerita Atuk
Cerita ini atuk tulis untuk bacaan anak cucu. Ia merupakan secebis catatan tentang pengalaman dari Sekolah Melayu hingga ke Universiti. Mula-mula atuk bermimpi hendak jadi guru di sekolah Melayu tetap
5 Tips Atasi Stress Belajar Online
Dunia kini telah melalui pelbagai cabaran semenjak dilanda pandemik COVID-19. Sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran telah dilaksanakan secara online dari rumah hampir dua tahun. Dengan menerbitkan ebook te